The Science Lab

You take a closer look at the sciency counter top. Aside from miscelaneous tools and gizmos scattered about with velcro grips holding them in place. here are three syringes all attached to the back end of it, presumably to prevent them from moving around in zero gravity during flight. One is a brilliant ruby red, one is a dazzling emerald green, and the other is purple. You look around the lab a bit more, resting your hand on the safe part of the counter. There seems to be a lot of confusing equiptment around here. It boggles your mind just trying to comprehend it all. You look over to the opposite window too, but it looks as though the blinds are covering it… And as if on cue, some unseen force rocks the entire station! Maybe some sort of debris impact? You feel the counter jolt underneath you, your grip on its surface doing little to protect your hand from the oncoming prick from one of the needles! Youch! You pull your hand back, kissing it a little to make the initial sting go away. You seem to be okay. Only… which needle was it?

What color?