The Science Lab

Immediately, you begin to feel off. You can’t quite put your finger on it, but something feels different. You shrug, and decide to get a drink of water. You’ve been feeling parched from the long journey. You look around the science lab to find some sort of fountain or some supplies nearby. Luckily, you find a shower head hidden behind a curtain. You decide that this water’s as good as any, and turn on the faucet, leaning your head back and opening your mouth wide. You watch bubbles of water fly in tiny spheres towards your mouth, altered by the lack of gravity to make a proper stream like back home. The water is nice and cool to the touch, and it feels great on your parched throat. You begin to miss a few derelict drops, which land on your forehead. It feels... nice. Calming, even. You pause from your quest against thirst and let more and more hit you. Man, it feels great to have a proper shower! You close your eyes and begin to rub your face with some of the droplets. Refreshing! Only... when you open them back up, you notice something on the back of your hand. It’s a leaf. “That’s odd,” you think to yourself. “How’d that get there?” You try to rub it off, but it doesn’t move. Confused, you try picking it off. No good. It almost seems like it’s attached to you... You look in shock at your other hand, which appears to be turning a brilliant shade of green! You flip both hands around back and forth, only to discover that the color is spreading up your arms. You try to see if other parts of your body are any different, but you suddenly feel sluggish. As much as you should feel concerned right now, you just... can’t seem to get your mind off how nice the water feels. More and more leaves begin to manifest on your body, beginning tiny before sprouting further. Your initial stress and shock begins to melt away as you bask in the gentle showers from the faucet. All your complicated thoughts, fears, and emotions? None of it mattered now as a wave of nirvana overtook you. A sense of finding inner peace had been met. You begin to stretch your limbs outward, which have become thin and sprightly like vines. Some of them wrap around scientific racks, others around the faucet itself. A few even reached towards the control panel towards the entrance. While you were at it, why not give yourself a little bit of warm sunlight? You open the blinds, letting the room brighten up. It feels so good: like a trip to the spa... Before, you were an astronaut that had to worry about getting back home safely, watching provisions, and fighting a constant battle against mortality and fate. But now, you can take roots and settle down for a bit.

Green Thumb!

Restart Your Adventure!
Go Back in Time!

You have found 24 Endings out of 24!