The Control Room

“Pull me through!” you shout. “Command noted!” It replies back. You look at the wall, seeing little change occurring. You begin to worry. Maybe it didn’t hear you? You’d yell at it again, if it weren’t for the fact that your face was in the process of squeezing through the wall. Meanwhile outside the station, a giant robotic arm begins its way towards the side with the giant noodle jutting out. It takes a moment to analyze you, wondering whether or not the bizzare cable had always been part of the construction. In an attempt to get back inside, you begin to flail around, resembling some kind of angry tentacle. In the process, you manage to curl around the robotic arm. The poor robot quickly becomes confused, and likewise begins to panic. It doesn’t take long for the two of you to become tangled together. Ultimately though, your strength is no match for it. It begins to move back into its original location. This time, however, it’s strained by your rubber band of a body. When it flexes its arms, you stretch and contract with each movement. Over time, you begin to struggle less as the arm performs its daily stationkeeping routines. It’s as if you gave the robot a proper workout. In the process though, you became a weak sinew to the metal limb. Surely somebody would notice something was off with the arm, right? Well, maybe once a crew of astronauts finally arrives, they can try to untangle you. That is, if they can even inhabit the station. If only you were able to patch the leak...

Lotsa Spaghetti!

Restart Your Adventure!
Go Back in Time!

You have found 24 Endings out of 24!