Lunar Surface

You look out of the porthole of the lander’s cabin. Through the tiny window, you see the seemingly endless vastness of space blanketed by the dusted hills of the moon’s surface. It’s truly a once-in-a-lifetime view. Before exiting, you feel around for the ceremonial flagpole. Eventually, your fingers come across it tucked away in a drawer. After preparing your suit, you’re ready to take your first steps outside. You feel your boots touch down on the surface. The gravity here makes you feel as light as a feather! You perform a few bunny hops, testing your footing a bit, and advance forward by a few yards. Being up here is a lot of fun. It’s also tiring, surprisingly. You want to keep it a distance from the lander so it isn’t knocked over when you take off again. Eventually, you reach a nice, flat area with few obstructions. This would help make the flag visible for future explorers. Triumphantly, you hold the flagpole above your head like a spear, and in one movement jab it into the ground. You unfurl the flag itself, adorned with the TSG logo. Dusting your hands off, you pat yourself on the back for a job well-done. You decide to take a look into the eternal night sky, and see something glittering. It’s too small to make it out. Or... is it? It seems to be getting more and more clear what it is, because it’s heading right for you!

What does it look like?