The Control Room

“Patch the hole!” you yell to the maintenance robot. “Command noted!” It replies back. You give a sigh of relief. A service arm begins to unfold from a wall, sporting what appeared to be a roll of duct tape. Er, sorry, “futuristic adhesive bonding strips”. Thanks to your quick thinking, you’d be out of here in no time at all. Unfortunately, you’ll soon learn to watch your wording. A second arm peels off a long strip of tape, placing it around the edges of the hole... directly to your sides. “What the—“ you try to yell, only to have your mouth taped shut. You mumble and complain as the robot begins to patch the hole... with you still in there! Meanwhile outside the station, another pair of arms prepares to tape the other side shut. Upon discovering the long rope that has seemingly been ejected from the inside of the station, it begins to roll it back up into a big spiral. Then, not wanting to let such a material go to waste, it uses your business end as a makeshift patch, taping it to the other side of the hole. Feeling the adhesive now covering both sides of your body, you grimace as a final piece of tape covers your face. There! Now it’s like there was never a hole at all. The station is saved! And thanks to the ingenuity of science, that hole will never come unpatched again! No sir, it’s fixed forever. And ever... Maybe you should have just asked to get pulled inside?

All Patched Up!

Restart Your Adventure!
Go Back in Time!

You have found 24 Endings out of 24!