Ring Toss

There's a giant teddy that you've had your eyes on since you walked in, every time you passed the booth, you kept looking at it, staring so long that you walked into other people and other shenanigans. The barker notices your gaze; he's a large crocodile that's just spied a predator, with a toothy grin he speaks.

“Step right up, step right up!” the barker calls, he points his cane at you and smiles, “you look like you have a strong arm! What do you say? Care to try your hand at the Ring Toss?” You make your way up to the stand with the pole firmly in the middle, the barker surrounded by teddy bears, but that one at the back is one you're aiming for.

“Just toss that ring round that metal pole over there, it's so simple a child could do it! Just a dollar for three rings!”You put some money on the counter in front of you and pick up the ring, it's heavier than you thought! Trying to pass it off and look cool though, you smile as you hold it in both hands.

“Ey, be careful, the ring's heavy!” he warns. Focusing on the pole in front of you, you take a deep breath and throw the ring. It makes a heavy thunk as it smacks the side of the pole, pathetically dropping to the floor.

“Ey, ya missed pal!” the barker mocks, tipping his hat.

You frown and point to the counter, demanding some more rings. You throw each of them, and every single time without fail, they clunk against the side of the pole. “Ey, ya missed pal!” Like clockwork... You furiously point to the counter and snap your fingers as more rings are provided. Through gritted teeth you throw them, and as always, they smack against the side of the pole.

“Ey, ya missed pal!” You're just about done, you go to walk away until you feel the tap of the barker's cane on your shoulder. He rubs his fingers together as he pulls up another cane with all the rings you've thrown on there. There's at least... Fourty... Nine. Oh dear. You reach into your pocket and pull out your wallet, upon opening it, all that pops out is a dainty little butterfly that squeals for freedom. You feel the cane wrap around your neck as the barker pulls you in close. “Listen pal, we ain't a charity, we ain't doin' this for free! You seem like a smart fellow, how's about ya work off this debt?” Just tending a stand? Yeah, that sounds easy enough. The barker shakes his head. “Sorry pal, that's not what I had in mind.”

The barker trips you to the ground with his cane and grabs you with his arms, stretching you like taffy and spinning you around as you begin to droop and sag. With a satisfied snap, he ties your hands and feet together so you form a nice hoop shape; despite your loud protests, he dips you into some paint that hardens over your skin swiftly, forming a strong coating. It tightens, muffling your mouth and freezing your body in place. Now you're stuck as a ring, waiting for the next person to try their hand at the Ring Toss, better hope they don't miss! Pal.

Ya missed!

You got the Ring ending!

This ending is part of the Games Endings! Upon collecting all Game endings go to the Rewards Tent to get your Pin!

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